Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Excerpt from an email to Ms. Meyer:

I just went out for like an hour and saw some pretty crazy stuff go down. First I walked down to H&M because they had some pretty cool shirts that I was interested in trying on for fairly reasonable prices. So I went in, picked one out and tried it on, but unfortunately two problems struck me that prevented me from buying it. First of all, I wear garments, which create issues at times when I'm trying to dress "fashionably." The other issue is that those clothes looked like they were made for a European man; I, sadly, have the torso of an American man and the legs of a Tongan woman (is there a better stereotype for someone with short legs and a big butt?). So it didn't fit.

As I was walking back toward my hostel in search of a restaurant I would like to try, I saw this tall, muscular man walking the opposite direction up ahead of me, maybe some 20 feet or so. A small group of people around him stopped and backed away a several feet, forming a 10 person semicircle around him. This man had grabbed a shorter, but not scrawny, man by the throat and was pushing him back toward the wall of the building on the road. I wasn't sure who the bad guy was. This man had his hand clenched around the smaller guy's throat and was staring him straight in the eyes, yelling at him. Another man was standing over three teenage hoodlums who were sitting down nearby. After a minute I realized that the choker man was stopping the choked man from robbing this group of three women with several shopping bags, and I think the kids might have been in on it too. All I know is it created quite a scene, and it was intense.


  1. why does traveling always become intense like a movie?

  2. I think you've had more intense travel experiences than me this year. And you really were making a movie, so...
